Kiln Dried Firewood
Fully-dried, clean-burning firewood delivered straight to your home and neatly stacked. There's nothing else as good as kiln dried firewood!
Why Kiln-Dried Firewood Is Better
Are you wondering whether kiln-dried firewood is really better than traditionally seasoned firewood?
Have you heard that it's just a Connecticut fad that will soon pass?
Concerned that it's not worth the premium price?
Kiln drying is an expensive process, so most companies choose to split whatever wood they can get, toss it in a pile, and let it "season" for up to a year.
Standard firewood sits outside in the elements (almost always in a dirt area in someone's yard) for an entire year before it's even remotely ready to be sold and burned. You've seen the piles before - they're never turned or moved around so only the outer most layer is being dried, while the inside of the firewood pile is dark, wet, and a perfect habitat for mold and insects.
On top of that, you have no real way of knowing exactly how long that wood has actually been seasoning for. Whether it's only one month or 5 years, it looks exactly the same.
So when you buy "seasoned" firewood that's still wet, smokes when you try to light it, and gives off a musty smell, you can bet that it hasn't been fully dried, no matter what you're told.
We invested in the equipment necessary to produce premium, kiln-dried firewood because it's such a clear winner when compared to traditionally seasoned wood.
The moisture content of kiln-dried wood is less than 20%. In contrast, green wood that is air dried and delivered to your home can contain 60% or more moisture!
Because of the lower moisture content, kiln-dried firewood burns cleaner, hotter and more efficiently than standard firewood. That equates to using less wood to put out the same amount of heat.
Ready to order your premium quality, kiln-dried firewood?
Visit our sister site at Country Kiln Firewood to place your order!